Today is our last day in Japan. After a wonderful time in Japan and with our homestay, we are heading home to Hawaii. Today, in Keiai's temple, we performed our hula and exchanged gifts. At lunch, we got to cook curry and sweet potato bread with our homestay host. While the curry was cooking, some of the teachers were in the back of the kitchen, trying to figure out how to work the blow torches. It was cool to watch because as they adjusted the knob on the back, the flame got bigger or smaller. When our curry and bread was done cooking, we went to the back counter where the teachers melted cheese on top of the curry, using the blow torches. In the end, the curry and bread that we cooked was delicious.
After lunch we headed to the library to grab our bags and to say goodbye to our homestay. As we were leaving, it seemed like the entire school lined the hallway to the bus, to say goodbye. Although it was sad to say goodbye, we were finally heading home after ten, fun and diverse days in Japan.
By Cameron Gillespie